Location: Newcastle, NSW
Challenge: Blind
Website: www.connorwink.com.au
Connor Wink is a young blind Singer, Songwriter and Ukulele Player from Newcastle, Australia.
Connor has a condition with his eyes known as Lebers Congenital Amaurosis, which resulted in Nystagmus uncontrolled eye movement, it's gone from severe to mild and Connor has light perception and can recognise some movement in front of his face.
When Connor was two years old, he was playing songs that he had heard and liked on his toy piano. His parents realised that the ability to play by ear was a great gift and encouraged his playing. Later, when he was six, they set out to find a piano teacher to work with him.
By age 11, Connor had already recorded 2 CDs Sounds for Sight and Sounds for Sight: The Journey Continues at home with a 16 track mixer and sang and overdubbed own voice for backing vocals.
By the time he stopped classical training, he had reached Grade 3. During this time, Connor transitioned successfully to singing, due to his ability to memorize lyrics and music combined with his acute hearing, pitch. and unique voice. For a short time, Connor dabbled with the guitar; but later, he discovered the ukulele.
He had found his place as an artist.
His biggest musical influences have been the Bee Gees and Cher. He was fortunate enough to meet Cher back stage in Las Vegas in 2010, and she was gracious enough to listen to him sing. Cher also gave Connor some advice that assisted him with his audition for the performing arts high school that he still attends. Connor has also been fortunate to meet a number of other great solo artists, including Marcia Hines and John Paul Young.
Connor has been blessed with the presence of many amazing people in his life as well as the support of his local community. In appreciation, Connor spends several months a year busking for Variety The Children's Charity. To date, he has raised, and will continue to raise, thousands of dollars, and he is excited about continuing his amazing journey.
Connor's original songs are now available for purchase on iTunes and CD Baby.
Connor Wink - "I Am Life"