Location: Montreal, QC
Challenge: Lymphoedema
Website: about.me/jasminbataille
Jasmin Bataille is a young drummer from Montreal in Canada.
When Jasmin is asked "Why drumming?" he answers "Because drumming is one of the most raw, ancient form of expression that ever existed. I can feel it in my bones, in my soul, in my blood, in my muscles, in the air flowing around me in harmony with my movements... I can feel my heart pumping as I lay down a big groove or a sensual one, but progressively I forget my heart to the profit of bass drum, my brain became the snare, my decisions are the toms and my emotions, the cymbals. That's why..."
At 7 years old Jasmin started out with the african Djembe, and his dad got back to guitar at the same time.
One year after, he passed through a skin cancer (lymphoedema) located on his right knee. Jasmin explains "I had two work 2 times harder to get my actual bass drum technique."
Jasmin adds "My dad, while helping me to survive, also transmitted me the swing, and soon I was feeling the drumsticks on an old phonebook wrapped in duck-tape - the ''guetto pad''." On Jasmin's 11th birthday he got a propper drumset.
Five years later, Jasmin got the audition to enter the Montreal Jazz Festival's Bluescamp (summer 2013). He studied with Kai Basanta, Nicolas Gosselin and Sam Harisson (nephew of the great Bob Harisson, Montreal's "Shuffle King").
Jasmin has a few current projects going. He is rehearsing with the Oxy-Jeune's Houseband for a tour of Montreal city's park. Jasmin says "I'm featured in a future documentary on TV5 as part of this project.", he is rehearsing with his dad to open Sainte-Catherine's street on the 13th of june this summer, among the casual club gigs. Also, rehearsing with Quentin Tremblay for our new punk-rock duo Arkaïk, and currently producing lo-fi/acid jazz for D-Jazz, a duo with my friend and great classical alto violionist Dillon Hatcher.
Jasmin has recorded and performed for Kevin St-Pierre (featured on Eauthentik's first album), Arkaïk (RIP), X-trem musik camp and Oxy Jeune's House band
Jasmin Bataille at Camp de Blues 2013 - My sweet corn bread blues - The Holy dough band