Location: Sydney, NSW
Challenge: ADHD / Autism
Website: penrithvalleymusic.wix.com
Hi I’m Lachlan Mitchell I am a drummer of 10 years and I’m 15 years old.
I have been attending St Clair Youth Centre for 3 years and during that time I have had the opportunity to teach different music programs to multiple young people. For both of my music programs, it involved a consultation with possible participants, which then lead to developing each program along with weekly session plans for the 6 week course.
The first music program I facilitated in 2013 was with young people aged 12-18 at the St Clair Youth Centre, in the music room. My tasks were to engage with the group, get the group engaging with each other and I, build trusting and positive relationships and then begin teaching music.
The most recent program I facilitated was with children aged 8-11 years old. I went through the same process of consultation and program development. I ran a 3 week basic drum course which was really engaging and exciting for this age group.
In 2014 I was successful in applying for ‘Do It Yourself’ music program funding. Alongside a youth worker at St Clair, we worked together in doing the application for our youth centre and we received $2500 for the music room “The Garage” This was a great success for us because it meant we were able to buy more equipment including new microphone and mic stands, a laptop for music production and other general equipment. Many young people have been more engaged in the music program from this grant.
In 2009 I was diagnosed with mild case of autism and it really took its toll on my mental health. It made me feel different and question myself as to what have I done wrong to be given autism. Being diagnosed with autism, it then became a lot clearer to me that I had actual learning difficulties and why sitting in a class from for an hour was not for me. I was also diagnosed with ADHD and ADD in my early childhood.
It affects me with my drumming as I couldn't really take in the drumming lesions I was receiving at the time and it also made me have issues with practicing as I would just some days just be like stuff this I'm not doing it but in my early teens (12-14) I saw a drummer on YouTube called coop3rdrumm3r and he just totally made me see drumming in a whole nother level and it was making drum covers I made a few I really enjoyed making them and I guess that was the big game changer for me.
The challenges I have faced have made me the person I am today, I seek to music as a relief of my anger issues and a way of freeing my mind and emotions. If I was never diagnosed with my autism, ADHD & ADD I would not be the person and drummer I am today. Playing drums has improved my life so much, and it is my first passion.
My drumming Heros are Dom Famularo, Gregg Bissonette and Mark Lucas. Another influence is coop3rdrumm3r from Youtube.
I have recently started private one on one drumming lessons, all the information needed and contact detail can be found at http://penrithvalleymusic.wix.com/pvms
Lachlan Mitchell - sleepwalking the chain gang of 1974