Location: Spokane, WA
Challenge: Seizure Disorder / Fibromyalgia / Autism
Website: facebook.com/les.bartlett.5
Les Bartlett was born drawn to music. His first actual influence was Peter Criss which was par for the times. He adds "Then through my grand father introduced me to big band and talk about all the amazing drummers he got to see and play with with during his active career as a Jazz drummer but that lasted until i got heavy into prog my 3 main bands are Rush, Yes, and Kansas".
When Les was younger, music seemed to be his only friend. He adds "I grew up with an alcoholic abusive dad, so to play it safe, I spent a lot of time in my room with my record player". When he finally left home, Les bought his first drum kit. He adds "My kit was heaven to me".
In 1989, Les was struck by lightning, which caused him to start having seizures which over the years lead to fibromyalgia.
He adds "I had to quit playing for a bit which was a bad idea". The doctors has Les go through a Physical Therapy regime, which he says "sucked" however, this got him back behind the drums. He adds "All of the exercise they had me doing I figured out I can do all of it behind my kit. I worked hard to be able to play again the way I used to. Music is what has also helped me cope with my Autism over time helped me embrace it because that is where my love and talent for music stems from. It taught so many things including social skills and that it's ok to be a little weird, lol So you can say music and drums have saved my life".