Location: South Wales
Challenge: Autism
Website: facebook.com/AutismMxUKGriffithsracing
Liam Griffiths is 12 yrs old and up until 2 and a half years ago showed no interest in music at all.
Liam is very much involved in motorsport racing quads, karts and autograss cars and has won many championships and also raced at british championship level and gained much interest and credit for his achievements. He races and raises awareness about autism and is one of the Autism mx project team riders.
However when he is not racing he spends most of his time playing his various instruments. He plays the trumpet, electric guitar, bass guitar and has also started to play the drums. However his greatest achievement is the keyboard which he has basically learn't to play himself.
Liam's mum Sharon says "We do not know how he can play so well as it comes naturally to him , and his music teachers are amazed how quickly he picks it up, all we know is it has improved his life so much and given him and others enjoyment."
Liam's parents have now managed to find a tutor to teach him and help him get his exams. Back in February he was awarded some funding to purchase a workstation keyboard which has given him the opportunity to explore his talent. He also plays 1st cornet in the local youth brass band and 1st trumpet in the local youth county band.
Liam takes care of all his instruments and saves all his pocket money to buy instruments himself also as he knows that his parents also have to pay a lot into his racing. Sharon says "Going into the music shop for Liam is like going into a toy shop for most kids, Liam would probably buy everything in the shop if he could afford it".
His pride and joy is his Michael Kelly guitar which he took almost a year to save up for. He also purchased his own Fender Squier jaguar bass guitar and also purchased his drums himself. Sharon adds "but they are more for beginners and I don't think they can cope with the amount of use they get from Liam as they have had to be repaired a couple of times, He now has his sight set on a set of Roland tdk 15 set of drums.".
Music has given him an outlay where he can try to cope with all the stresses he deals with due to the autism. He has also had to cope with bullying at school and when he comes home upset it helps him try to forget why he is upset as it gives him so much enjoyment.
Liam has many musical influences and likes many styles of music. He is a big fan of Rick Allen from Def Leppard and would love to be able to play his guitar like Jo Satriani. He is also a big fan of the Script and Calvin Harris. However the person who has most influenced him over the past year is his music teacher at school Mr Hopkins. He has recognised Liams talent and wants to help Liam develop.
Liam loves experimenting with his keyboard and recently been asked if he can play cover versions of pop songs which started when his Aunty filmed him playing his own version of 'Love me like you do' by Ellie Golding , which resulted in a young girl seeing it who had been quite ill. Sharon adds "Her mother asked if our son could play 'Let it go' from frozen which is his best cover version he has done so far."
Liam Griffiths - 'Let It Go (Frozen)'