Location: Canberra, ACT
Challenge: TAR Syndrome
Website: www.ruthmvobrien.com
Ruth O'Brien started her career in the arts as a singer and have done, and continue to do, a lot of gigs around her hometown of Canberra, Australia. She says "But now, at the ripe old age of 32, I realise that my dream was never to be singer but simply to leave this world having done something that I felt mattered. My ambition is not to seek praise, fame or be seen as an inspiration. I simply like to use my time productively and in a constructive way that hopefully assists other people".
Ruth started singing when she was in high school. She adds "I had the opportunity to do an elective in vocal studies and swapped out of my outdoor education. I was terrified of singing in front of the class for the first time, but once I did, I had a real love for it straight away". Ruth continued to study music all the way through high school and college, and from there went on to study at the Canberra Institute of Music and the Australian National University, primarily in jazz vocals and contemporary performance.
Ruth says "I've always been a people person and have wanted to support others through the arts and creative expression. As a teenager, I loved trying new craft projects, dancing, baking and learning new songs. I got such a rewarding experience just in the process of being creative, and knew that this was something I always wanted to do". After Ruth left school, she decided to study psychology to get a good qualification under her belt should the arts career thing not work out. She adds "But, I knew full well that after I completed this degree I was going to study music and pursue this passion".
As soon as Ruth started to think about her career options as a teenager, she quickly realised that professional artists of any kind need to operate as sole-traders/businesses in most instances. So since then she has been continually educating myself about opportunities for artists, grants, mentorships and internships and reading news about anything related to having a career in the arts in Australia. She adds "I currently work as a freelancer in many different areas including being a performing artist, vocal teacher, creative career coach, event organiser and as a project officer for Accessible Arts in Canberra, ACT".
Ruth's debut EP "Invaluable" was made over a 4 year period, and touches on a wide range of topics including society's obsession with social media and appearance in tracks like Invaluable & Land With No Mirrors to more sombre themes of grief, love and connection in Lullaby... My Twisted Dreams and Veil. The final track on the EP, Perspective, talks about the many ways in which something can be seen - that we only ever understand something based on our point of view, both literally and metaphorically.
Ruth says "I want to contribute as much as I possibly can to your life so that I'm only adding good, empowering things that help the world. Don't get me wrong, can definitely get a bit ranty from time to time but all in the name of social justice and speaking up for 'the little guy'".
Ruth O'Brien - Veil