"Muso" or "musos" are terms used widely in parts of the world to describe a musician or group of musicians with passion and dedication to their music.

Introducing Can-Do Musos

A Can-Do Muso is a musician with challenges who is very passionate about their music.

We use the word "challenges" with Can-Do Musos because, quite often disability gets mis-interpreted as inability. People with challenges can overcome them and be empowered and successful.

Can Do Musos was established to promote and support musicians who face "challenges" in their lives from all over the world.

L-R: Joe Hardy, Andrew Hewitt, Mike Mignogna, David Segal, Dom Famularo
at Double Tree Inn during NAMM in Anaheim, California - 25th January 2015


Can-Do Musos Featured Country of the Month




RIP Dom Famularo

August 26, 1953 – September 27, 2023

At the end of September we lost our CEO and leader Dom Famularo after a year and a half battle with cancer. Dom was larger than life and inspired everyone who knew him. He was the driving force behind Can-Do Musos for the past 10 years. We came up with the idea at Dom’s studio in New York. We will push on and keep his vision alive. He will be sorely missed.

RIP Dear Friend!


Can-Do Musos Affiliations

MediaTracks and Can-Do Musos Empower Musicians with Diverse Abilities

London, UK, July 24th, 2023 - MediaTracks, a dedicated and artist-centered independent music production label committed to amplifying underrepresented voices and fostering inclusivity in the industry, announced a transformative partnership with Can-Do Musos, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity devoted to empowering all musicians with diverse abilities. The partnership will feature enriching workshops, educational opportunities, and potential publishing prospects for talented artists associated with Can-Do Musos...

Read the full press release here


ArtWeCan - Seoul, South Korea

Can-Do Musos are proud to announce a new affiliation with Artwecan from Seoul, South Korea. ArtWecan is a group started to build a foundation for disabled artists and work together to support their hopes and dreams. We look forward to working on various projects with our members together with the members of Artwecan.

Their website is www.artwecan.or.kr

Sign Up to Join Can-Do Musos

If you are a passionate musician who lives with a disability, and would like to share your story across the globe, whether you play drums, guitar, sing, play sax, or even sousaphone, we would love to hear from you.

Please when giving us information, give us as much information as you can, and make it your story.

Can-Do Radio

Each week, THE CAN-DO RADIO SHOW will feature music, gigs and interviews from musicians who each have a challenge to overcome. We only play music from artists featured on this website. Hosted by Andrew Hewitt. The show is podcasted via Podomatic.

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel

Can-Do Musos YouTube Channel features music videos from musicians living with disability from all over the world. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel by clicking the button below and thank you for your support.

Latest News

CAN-DO MUSOS AND ARTWECAN - "Love is the Answer (First time we met)"

May to November 2021, Can-Do Musos were involved in a collaboration with Artwecan from Seoul, South Korea. The song produced was a cover of the 1979 hit "Love Is The Answer" by England Dan and Jon Ford Coley.

The project was sponsored by Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism / Korea Disability Arts and Culture Center and managed by Korea Association Arts & Culture of Developmental Disabilities Artwecan.

Musicians involved in the project are:

[Vocals]: Hyun hak Lee, Wook Jang, Lizje Sarria, Apollo Payton, Lara Nakhle
[Drums]: Ho jin Park, Andrew Hewitt
[Bass Guitar]: Michael Olson
[Elec Guitar]: Byeong wook Woo, Noe Socha
[Piano/Rhodes]: Chi kim
[Keyboard]: SH Yang, Se yoon Kim
[Saxophone]: Andrew Fairbairn

In association with Grand Grand Band from "ArtWeCan"
Musicians from "Can Do Musos"
Professors of the "Berklee college of music"


Can-Do Musos and Artwecan present "Unite together over Covid-19 - We are the world" featuring 13 artists from across the globe.

Artists included:
Sophia Fletcher (Australia)
David Segal (USA)
Jessica Nery Giraldo (USA)
Mike Mignogna, Jake Rinaldo (USA)
Sal Aversano (USA)
Tom Ryan (USA)
Parafónia Orchestra (Hungary)
Sujeet Desai (USA)
Nasuhi Can Özaydin (Turkey)
The Ziguais (Portugal)Jang Jian Chen (China)
Chinese Dream Flying Dragon City Folk Orchestra (China)
Helena Martirosova (Russia)
Pop Band Grand Grand (Korea)


Can-Do Musos are proud to announce a new affiliation with Artwecan from Seoul, South Korea.

ArtWecan is a group started to build a foundation for disabled artists and work together to support their hopes and dreams.

We look forward to working on various projects with our members together with the members of Artwecan.

Their website is www.artwecan.or.kr
We have several projects in the works.


On Monday 10th May and Tuesday 11th May we had a worldwide premiere of the first ever Can-Do Musos Music Festival. This is a 2 1/2 hour show featuring 60 musicians from 20 countries.

Please sit back and enjoy!!

As this was a fundraiser for Can-Do Musos, you can donate via our gofundme page at https://www.gofundme.com/f/if-you-can-dream-it-you-cando-it

Thanks for your support.

RIP Mark Goffeney - May 22, 1969 – March 2, 2021

With much sadness we regret to say Can-Do Muso Mark Goffeney passed away on 2nd March 2021 at his home in San Diego, California. Mark was an active member of Can-Do Musos performing and speaking at some of our NAMM Show presentations and performances. He performed a couple of times with David Segal in Turkey and his band Big Toe. He was an amazing guitar player and bassist who had no arms, and played with his feet. We will really miss him being part of our family. His legacy will live on. RIP Mark.

The NAMM Show 2021 - Believe in Music 18 - 22 January 2021

Unfortunately, due to Covid19, The 2021 Winter NAMM Show in Anaheim, Caifornia has been cancelled. Because of this, NAMM came up with a Virtual NAMM with all events online called Believe In Music which ran from the 18th - 23rd January. Can-Do Musos once again, were proud to be involved in this online version of The NAMM Show. We hosted a 15 minute session featuring footage from various Can-Do Musos from around the world.

British Paralympics "Yes I Can" campaign

One of our major achievements for Can-Do Musos, happened in May 2016, when some of our Can-Do Musos members travelled to London (UK) to be part of a promotion for Channel 4 TV London. We're The Superhumans "Yes I Can" to benefit the British Paralympics Team. The video features disabled musicians and athletes doing what they do best. This was seen worldwide during the Rio Paralympics.

The promotion was launched on July 14 2016.

We had 10 Can-Do Musos involved from all over the world. Can-Do Musos members involved in the project were: Tony Dee and Neill Duncan from Australia, Alvin Law from Canada, Marc Playle from England, Greg Anton, Bill Clements, Sujeet Desai, Mark Goffeney, Patrick Henry Hughes, and Dean Zimmer from the United States.

Can-Do Musos TV Episode 28 - May 2020

The latest Can-Do Musos TV episode. Lockdown edition #2 On this episode, Andrew Hewitt interviews and plays music from Mayhem In Bedlam Sophia Fletcher The Wooster Music Department featuring David Segal Jim Brenner Nate Stockton and The Mendenhall Experiment, Angryfish - The Band, Mike Nagoda, and CACTUS.

Hope you all enjoy the show

Can-Do Musos TV Episode 27 - April 2020

The latest Can-Do Musos TV episode. Lockdown edition #1 On this episode, Andrew Hewitt interviews and plays music from Flame The Band, Lourdes Mack, Kyle Coleman, Connor Wink, Justin Hines, Todd James, Tony Gebhard, Benjamin Balair, Andrew Fairbairn, and The Shruggs.

Hope you all enjoy the show

Can-Do Musos COVID19 Message

A short message from the Can-Do Musos board. We are all going through a hard time now, but don't despair. We are in this together and can ride the wave. Keep music alive, follow your passions and dreams, work on being creative :) Don't ever give up hope!! :)

Can-Do Musos NAMM 2020 - January 2020

Can-Do Musos presented our annual panel discussion at The NAMM Show at the Anaheim Hilton on the 19th January 2020. Panelists were: Dom Famularo, Mark Goffeney, Andrew Bambridge, Joe Hardy, Mario Valadez, Rory Burns, David Segal and Dean Zimmer.

A special thanks to JC DeYoung and Rory Burns for the video.

For more information, please go to Can-Do Musos NAMM 2020.

Can-Do Musos TV Episode 26 - November 2019

Here is the latest episode of Can-Do Musos TV. Hosted and produced by Andrew Hewitt, this show features music from England, Sweden, USA, Iran, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and Canada.

Hope you all enjoy the show

Can-Do Musos in Drumscene Magazine - April 2019

Can-Do Musos are proud to be featured in Drumscene Magazine Australia.

The feature covers our recent NAMM Show performance in Anaheim, California and was written by Jennifer Hewitt, photos were taken by Colin Barnes and Cat Quill.

A special thank you to Frank, Rosanna and the staff at Drumscene for their ongoing support for Can-Do Musos.

For more information, please go to www.drumscene.com.au.

Can-Do Musos - "Heroes" - Arena Plaza Stage - The NAMM Show 2019 - 25th January 2019

Can-Do Musos rocked the Arena Plaza Stage at the 2019 Winter NAMM Show on Friday 25th January in Anaheim, California. The set was finished with a rocking tribute to David Bowie with "We can be heroes".

Performing were Andrew Hewitt, Joe Hardy, David Segal, Homero Chavez, Kelly Kendall, Geno Oceano, Paul Zimmer, Tony Talmich, Alex Zimmer, Nate Stockton, Steve Sturgis, Stacey Sturgis, Randy Dowdy and Mario Valadez.

A special thanks to The Mendenhall Experiment, Randy Dowdy & Steve & Stacey Sturgis for their support.

On Sunday 27th January, Can-Do Musos hosted our annual NAMM Panel Discussion at the Anaheim Hilton. On the panel representing Can-Do Musos were David Segal, Andrew Hewitt, Joe Hardy, Brandon Mendenhall, Nate Stockton, Jeffrey Blattner, Jason Barnes, Tony Talmich, Dean Zimmer, Geno Oceano and Juan "Dom" Domingez.

To watch the full performance from the Arena Plaza, check out the performance on Vimeo.


Congratulations on the growth of Can-Do, you've got to be proud of what you are building. Your tireless efforts are inspiring players around the world.


Can-Do Musos has been of great benefit to me in my ongoing challenge of an acquired brain injury. It has helped me to focus on writing songs and performing them because I am unable to focus on reading books or watching movies. The activity has helped me to maintain positive mental health. I enjoy performing my songs and playing music with other Can-Do Musos. It is very comforting to know that there are other people with disability who have found new skills and overcome their challenges. I have seen the positive benefits in networking with and socialising with other Can-Do Musos. This organization is unique and run by a dedicated group of musicians who understand the needs of people with disability.


Can-Do Musos has made myself and my music so much more visible to others. They allowed me to post about not only my disabilities, but how I accomplish writing, performing and recording my music which is a great accomplishment. I had a library find out about my music and as a result, they asked me to play at their library for their patrons in a series of performances of 'Musician's with Disabilities Who Have Overcome Them' and I got paid very well. Their website has brought many other people to my Music Website and I have made any new contacts with other musicians in my area. On top of that, one of the founder's, Andrew Hewitt, has helped me delve into a new field (drums) with tips and assistance when I asked for it. He is very accomplished on the drums and it shows through his advice and the videos I have seen of his performances. If there was only one organization that I could belong to, it would be Can-Do Musos. They are geared for the Musician that has everything against him (or her) and gives his (or her) all into their music. They also are there for those that are struggling and need a little help... a little push... to progress in the field of music.